Chinese Character of Li

Li CHEN - 陈 力

Associate Researcher, Beijing Zhongguancun Laboratory

Looking for new Ph.D students. Drop me an email and let's talk.

On the Web

GitHub | Google Scholar | LinkedIn | E-Mail | Twitter | ORCID | dblp | IETF


Selected Recent Publications

Selected Talks

MegaSwitch [NSDI'17] | PowerMan [NSDI'18] | AuTO [SIGCOMM'18]

Projects | DONS | DeepQueueNet | SAVOP | NAssim


2021 APSys-Winter TPC
2021 Huawei Queueing Theory Workshop Organizer
2018 Tencent-Barefoot P4 Day Organizer
2017 APNet Web Chair
- CCF TCI EC Member
- IEEE/ACM ToN Reviewer
- ACM ToPC Reviewer
- Elsevier ComNet Reviewer


2023 Rundi Zhai (Cosupervised with Prof. Baojiang Cui @BUPT)
2023 Ni Jin (Cosupervised with Prof. Baojiang Cui @BUPT)
2024 Yang Zhang (Cosupervised with Prof. Baojiang Cui @BUPT)

Professional Experience

Jun 2022 Now Associate Researcher, Zhongguancun Laboratory
Jan 2020 May 2022 Systems Researcher, Huawei Hong Kong Research Center
Jul 2018 Dec 2019 Senior Engineer, Network Platform Division, TEG, Tencent
Oct 2017 Now Certified Instructor, NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute
Sep 2011 Jul 2018 Teaching Assistant, HKUST


2018 Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering HKUST
2013 M.Phil. in Electronic and Computer Engineering HKUST
2011 B.Eng. in Electronic and Computer Engineering HKUST
(with First Class Honors and Minor in Mathematics)
2009 Exchange student in College of Engineering University of Michigan

Awards and Honors

2022 SIGCOMM Best Paper Award
2016 Microsoft Research Asia Ph.D. Fellowship
2010 The Commercial Radio 50th Anniversary Scholarships
2010 Meritorious Winner of Mathematical Competition of Modeling
2007-2011 HKUST Scholarship for Continuing UG Students

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